Omtanken vårdcentral, BVC & rehab - Pedagogen Park

2.9/5 baserat på 8 recensioner

Contact Omtanken vårdcentral, BVC & rehab - Pedagogen Park

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Bifrostgatan 42, 431 44 Mölndal, Sweden

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Stad : Mölndal

Bifrostgatan 42, 431 44 Mölndal, Sweden
Dina Annebäck on Google

Första gången jag klev in genom tröskel till denna VC för 1 år sen, kände jag avvisande attityd från personen i receptionen, hon ville inte ha mig där, hon var irriterad att jag inte bokade på nätet, hon såg sammanbitten ut och det förbättrades aldrig genom samtalet. Och så fortsätter det även idag, från alla jag träffar där, läkare och sköterskor. Märklig känsla. Jag jobbar i samma byggnaden så är det praktiskt för mig annars skulle jag ha listat ut mig nån annanstans för länge sen. Men nu är det ändå dax.
The first time I stepped in through the threshold of this VC 1 year ago, I felt dismissive attitude from the person at the front desk, she did not want me there, she was annoyed that I did not book online, she looked confused and it was never improved by call. And so it continues today, from everyone I meet there, doctors and nurses. Strange feeling. I work in the same building so it's practical for me otherwise I would have figured out somewhere else a long time ago. But now it's still dax.
Håkan Mattsson on Google

Trevliga läkare och sjuksköterskor. Kan rekommenderas så länge man inte har en allvarligare eller mer svårdiagnosticerad sjukdom.
Nice doctors and nurses. Can be recommended as long as you do not have a more serious or more difficult-to-diagnose disease.
Lena Nikkinen on Google

Läkaren N. G lyssnade inte alls på min information om att jag får allvarliga biverkningar av antiinflammatoriska läkemedel. Denna läkare försatte mig i en allvarlig situation då hen hänvisade mig till mediciner jag absolut inte tål. Bytte genast vårdcentral och fick rätt hjälp och mina biverkningar registrerades.
Doctor N. G did not listen at all to my information that I get serious side effects from anti-inflammatory drugs. This doctor put me in a serious situation when he referred me to medications I absolutely can not stand. Immediately changed health center and got the right help and my side effects were registered.
Annelie Lundin on Google

Jag har inte tidigare haft problem här (går regelbundet på provtagning), men nu verkar dem har bytt personal (kände inte igen ett enda ansikte) och jag var på plats strax efter att dem öppnade för drop in provtagning. Det var en person före mig. Vanligtvis går provtagning väldigt snabbt, ca 10 min från det att jag anländer till att jag får gå. Men nu satt jag nästan i 1 h och väntade med flera sköterskor springandes fram och tillbaka men inga patienter och ingen som ägnade mig någon som helst uppmärksamhet eller meddelande om hur läget såg ut. Jag frågade tillslut om det dröjer länge till och fick bara till svar nej och tiden fortsatte att gå. Tillslut tappade jag tålamodet och lämnade vc då jag var fastande och utan att ha intagit medicin på morgonen och mådde fruktansvärt dåligt. Det är orimligt att en snabb och enkel provtagning som tar max 2 min ska ta nästan 1 h väntetid, speciellt när man kommer vid öppning och det inte är någon kö på patienter. Jag vet inte hur länge jag hade fått sitta om jag ej lämnat, men kroppen klarade sig helt enkelt inte längre utan medicin. Jag funderar på att byta vårdcentral efter detta, kände mig inte det minsta omhändertagen.
I have not had problems here before (go to sampling regularly), but now they seem to have changed staff (did not recognize a single face) and I was on site shortly after they opened for drop in sampling. There was a person before me. Usually sampling is very fast, about 10 minutes from the time I arrive until I am allowed to go. But now I sat for almost 1 hour and waited with several nurses running back and forth but no patients and no one who paid me any attention or message about what the situation looked like. I finally asked if it would take a long time and only got the answer no and time kept going. Eventually I lost patience and left the toilet when I was fasting and without having taken medicine in the morning and felt terribly ill. It is unreasonable that a quick and easy sampling that takes a maximum of 2 minutes should take almost 1 hour of waiting time, especially when you arrive at the opening and there is no queue for patients. I do not know how long I would have been allowed to sit if I had not left, but my body simply could no longer do without medicine. I am considering changing health center after this, did not feel the slightest bit taken care of.
J on Google

Försökte att boka tid för att undersöka jobbiga besvär, sköterskan i telefonen sade "men du kan fortfarande gå, varför söker du vård?" Verkligen! vänta en stund och du får ringa direkt till ett begravningskontor istället
Tried to make an appointment to investigate troublesome ailments, the nurse on the phone said "but you can still walk, why are you seeking care?" Really! wait a while and you can call directly to a funeral home instead
Laura Berry on Google

Impossible to get an appointment. You can’t speak with anyone on the phone.
Nil Garcia on Google

Hard to make an appointment. The main goal of the doctor is to send you back home regardless of your symptoms. I was supposed to have some ultrasound which I was never called for. One of the doctors is rude, another one can barely speak English. The list goes on.
Christina Poulsen on Google

Worst treatment I have ever experienced. Moved here from Denmark, to live with my boyfriend. I have a personality disorder I had diagnosed and received treatment for in Denmark. Needed help here in sweden as well. Got a time with an old doctor and it was like timetravelling back to 1950. He laughed in my face when I cried and tried to tell him about my difficulties, he rolled his eyes and sighed at me, didnt know what my disorder actually was, but refused to look at my journal and info I had brought from Denmark. He started questioning why I had Even moved here, and Maybe I should just go back to Denmark and get Help there, cause they dont have treatments for personality disorder in sweden. He was the most unsympathetic humanbeing I have ever met. He kept asking: what do you want me to do About it? He was clearly annoyed with my presence. He arrogantly told me if I really wanted Help I would have to wait many months. I insisted I wanted Help. When I Got Home I called the akut psykiatri and they immidiately got me in contact with psykologists and I got a whole year of Help with no problem from them. DONT GO TO ALLEMANSHÄLSAN. they Will lie and try to make you leave without getting the Help you need. I complained About my treatment, but was only told that I had just gotten a bad first impression and he is sooo engaged in his patients. Biggest joke ever.

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